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Wednesday 9 September 2020

tabula rosa

    Tabula Rasa


How does the story start?

How does it build to reach the complication?

Firstly the robot sets out for the plant and walks for months.


What goes wrong in the story?

Secondly the robot finds the plant and carries it to the mountain.


How does the complication get resolved?

How does it end?

Lastly the robot climbs the mountain and plants the plant to just die by the plant.

Firstly the robot comes across a plant, secondly the robot climbs a mountain, lastly the robot gets to the top and plants a tree and the planet revives.

Tuesday 8 September 2020





  1. Copy and paste the link into your search bar and watch the cartoon.

  1. For each scene summarize what you can see 

  1. Summarize the cartoon by using first, next and last using no more than 60 words.

  1. Copy the cartoon link and your completed page onto your blog. 

Scene One:  

At home

An exemplar

Firstly Light goes through roof and puts light on the meerkats some wake up and come out of the hole to see a fruit

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

Secondly They try to obtain the fruit and wait for it to fall

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

Thirdly A hawk comes down to snatch the fruit and flys away with it and make a chain to get it

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

Fourthly the bird flys into the air to swing them to there deaths

Scene Five:

The Rescue

Fifthly they take the fruit and survive the fall and the bird crashes into a mountain

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

Next The fruit falls and they catch it in a rugby  cliches/ scene

Scene Seven:

The End

Lastly they eat the fruit and go back home